Constant Stubbing in RSpec 2.11
Myron Marston
Jun 29, 2012In the 2.11 release, rspec-mocks is gaining a significant new capability that, as far as I know, isn’t provided by any other ruby mocking library: constant stubbing[^foot_1].
Let’s look at the API, and then talk a bit about some of the use cases for it.
The main API is stub_const
describe "stub_const" do
it "changes the constant value for the duration of the example" do
stub_const("Foo::SIZE", 10)
expect(Foo::SIZE).to eq(10)
This works for both defined and undefined constants; you
could stub A::B::C::D::E::F
even if none of the intermediary
constants exist. When the example completes, the constants will
be restored to their original states: any newly defined constants
will be undefined, and any modified constants will be restored
to their original values.
Note that constant names must be fully qualified; the current module nesting is not considered:
module MyGem
class SomeClass; end
module MyGem
describe "Something" do
let(:fake_class) { }
it "accidentally stubs the wrong constant" do
# this stubs ::SomeClass (in the top-level namespace),
# not MyGem::SomeClass like you probably mean.
stub_const("SomeClass", fake_class)
it "stubs the right constant" do
stub_const("MyGem::SomeClass", fake_class)
also supports a :transfer_nested_constants
Consider a case where you have nested constants:
class CardDeck
SUITS = [:spades, :diamonds, :clubs, :hearts]
stub_const("CardDeck", fake_class)
cuts off access to the
nested constants (CardDeck::SUITS
and CardDeck::NUM_CARDS
unless you manually assign fake_class::SUITS
. The :transfer_nested_constants
option is provided to take care of this for you:
# Default behavior:
fake_class =
stub_const("CardDeck", fake_class)
CardDeck # => fake_class
CardDeck::SUITS # => raises uninitialized constant error
CardDeck::NUM_CARDS # => raises uninitialized constant error
# `:transfer_nested_constants => true` transfers all nested constants:
stub_const("CardDeck", fake_class, :transfer_nested_constants => true)
CardDeck::SUITS # => [:spades, :diamonds, :clubs, :hearts]
CardDeck::NUM_CARDS # => 52
# Or you can specify a list of constants to transfer:
stub_const("CardDeck", fake_class, :transfer_nested_constants => [:SUITS])
CardDeck::SUITS # => [:spades, :diamonds, :clubs, :hearts]
CardDeck::NUM_CARDS # => raises uninitialized constant error
Use Cases
I’ve found this useful in a few different situations:
- It provides a simple way to change a class setting expressed as a constant for one test. In the past, I’ve often defined static class methods just so they could be stubbed, even though it made more sense to use a constant. Now you can just use a constant!
- It makes dependency injection easy when the class-under-test depends on a collaborator’s class method (e.g. when the collaborator is stateless). You can easily stub the collaborator’s class constant with a test double.
- It makes stubbing unloaded dependencies dead-simple. Gary Bernhardt discussed this situation at length in Destroy all Software #46. He mentioned mutating constants as a possible way of stubbing unloaded dependencies, but recommended against it because of the complexity of safely managing this. Now that rspec-mocks can do it for you, it’s far less complex, and much, much safer.
If you’re curious how it all works, check out the source on github.
[^foot_1]: Actually, this has been available in rspec-fire for a good four months or so. But it’s not really a full mocking library…it builds on top of rspec-mocks, and now this functionality has been ported over to rspec-mocks.