throw_symbol matcher

The throw_symbol matcher is used to specify that a block of code throws a symbol. The most basic form passes if any symbol is thrown:

  expect { throw :foo }.to throw_symbol

You’ll often want to specify that a particular symbol is thrown:

  expect { throw :foo }.to throw_symbol(:foo)

If you care about the additional argument given to throw, you can specify that as well:

  expect { throw :foo, 7 }.to throw_symbol(:foo, 7)

Basic usage

Given a file named “throwsymbolmatcher_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe "throw" do
  specify { expect { throw :foo    }.to     throw_symbol }
  specify { expect { throw :bar, 7 }.to     throw_symbol }
  specify { expect { 5 + 5         }.not_to throw_symbol }

  # deliberate failures
  specify { expect { throw :foo    }.not_to throw_symbol }
  specify { expect { throw :bar, 7 }.not_to throw_symbol }
  specify { expect { 5 + 5         }.to     throw_symbol }

When I run rspec throw_symbol_matcher_spec.rb

Then the output should contain all of these:

6 examples, 3 failures
expected no Symbol to be thrown, got :foo
expected no Symbol to be thrown, got :bar
expected a Symbol to be thrown, got nothing

Specify thrown symbol

Given a file named “throwsymbolmatcher_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe "throw symbol" do
  specify { expect { throw :foo    }.to     throw_symbol(:foo) }
  specify { expect { throw :foo, 7 }.to     throw_symbol(:foo) }
  specify { expect { 5 + 5         }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo) }
  specify { expect { throw :bar    }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo) }

  # deliberate failures
  specify { expect { throw :foo    }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo) }
  specify { expect { throw :foo, 7 }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo) }
  specify { expect { 5 + 5         }.to     throw_symbol(:foo) }
  specify { expect { throw :bar    }.to     throw_symbol(:foo) }

When I run rspec throw_symbol_matcher_spec.rb

Then the output should contain all of these:

8 examples, 4 failures
expected :foo not to be thrown, got :foo
expected :foo not to be thrown, got :foo with 7
expected :foo to be thrown, got nothing
expected :foo to be thrown, got :bar

Specify thrown symbol and argument

Given a file named “throwsymbolargumentmatcherspec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe "throw symbol with argument" do
  specify { expect { throw :foo, 7 }.to     throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }
  specify { expect { throw :foo, 8 }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }
  specify { expect { throw :bar, 7 }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }
  specify { expect { throw :foo    }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }

  # deliberate failures
  specify { expect { throw :foo, 7 }.not_to throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }
  specify { expect { throw :foo, 8 }.to     throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }
  specify { expect { throw :bar, 7 }.to     throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }
  specify { expect { throw :foo    }.to     throw_symbol(:foo, 7) }

When I run rspec throw_symbol_argument_matcher_spec.rb

Then the output should contain all of these:

8 examples, 4 failures
expected :foo with 7 not to be thrown, got :foo with 7
expected :foo with 7 to be thrown, got :foo with 8
expected :foo with 7 to be thrown, got :bar
expected :foo with 7 to be thrown, got :foo with no argument