be_routable matcher

The be_routable matcher is best used with should_not to specify that a given route should not be routable. It is available in routing specs (in spec/routing) and controller specs (in spec/controllers).

Specify routeable route should not be routable (fails)

Given a file named “spec/routing/widgetsroutingspec.rb” with:

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "routes for Widgets", type: :routing do
  it "does not route to widgets" do
    expect(:get => "/widgets").not_to be_routable

When I run rspec spec/routing/widgets_routing_spec.rb

Then the output should contain “1 example, 1 failure”.

Specify non-routeable route should not be routable (passes)

Given a file named “spec/routing/widgetsroutingspec.rb” with:

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "routes for Widgets", type: :routing do
  it "does not route to widgets/foo/bar" do
    expect(:get => "/widgets/foo/bar").not_to be_routable

When I run rspec spec/routing/widgets_routing_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Specify routeable route should be routable (passes)

Given a file named “spec/routing/widgetsroutingspec.rb” with:

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "routes for Widgets", type: :routing do
  it "routes to /widgets" do
    expect(:get => "/widgets").to be_routable

When I run rspec spec/routing/widgets_routing_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.

Specify non-routeable route should be routable (fails)

Given a file named “spec/routing/widgetsroutingspec.rb” with:

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "routes for Widgets", type: :routing do
  it "routes to widgets/foo/bar" do
    expect(:get => "/widgets/foo/bar").to be_routable

When I run rspec spec/routing/widgets_routing_spec.rb

Then the output should contain “1 example, 1 failure”.

Use be_routable in a controller spec

Given a file named “spec/controllers/widgetscontrollerspec.rb” with:

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe WidgetsController, type: :controller do
  it "routes to /widgets" do
    expect(:get => "/widgets").to be_routable

When I run rspec spec/controllers/widgets_controller_spec.rb

Then the examples should all pass.