<file>:<line_number> (line number appended to file path)

To run one or more examples or groups, you can append the line number to the path, e.g.

  $ rspec path/to/example_spec.rb:37


Given a file named “example_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe "outer group" do

  it "first example in outer group" do


  it "second example in outer group" do


  describe "nested group" do

    it "example in nested group" do




And a file named “example2_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe "yet another group" do
  it "first example in second file" do
  it "second example in second file" do

And a file named “onelinerspec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe 9 do

  it { is_expected.to be > 8 }

  it { is_expected.to be < 10 }


Nested groups - outer group on declaration line

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:1 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should contain “example in nested group”.

Nested groups - outer group inside block before example

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:2 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should contain “example in nested group”.

Nested groups - inner group on declaration line

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:11 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “example in nested group”

And the output should not contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “first example in outer group”.

Nested groups - inner group inside block before example

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:12 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “example in nested group”

And the output should not contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “first example in outer group”.

Two examples - first example on declaration line

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:3 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “first example in outer group”

But the output should not contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “example in nested group”.

Two examples - first example inside block

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:4 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “first example in outer group”

But the output should not contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “example in nested group”.

Two examples - first example on end

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:5 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “first example in outer group”

But the output should not contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “example in nested group”.

Two examples - first example after end but before next example

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:6 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “first example in outer group”

But the output should not contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “example in nested group”.

Two examples - second example on declaration line

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:7 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

But the output should not contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “example in nested group”.

Two examples - second example inside block

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:7 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

But the output should not contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “example in nested group”.

Two examples - second example on end

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:7 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

But the output should not contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “example in nested group”.

Specified multiple times for different files

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:7 example2_spec.rb:4 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should contain “second example in second file”

But the output should not contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “nested group”

And the output should not contain “first example in second file”.

Specified multiple times for the same file with multiple arguments

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:7 example_spec.rb:11 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should contain “nested group”

But the output should not contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “second file”.

Specified multiple times for the same file with a single argument

When I run rspec example_spec.rb:7:11 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “second example in outer group”

And the output should contain “nested group”

But the output should not contain “first example in outer group”

And the output should not contain “second file”.

Matching one-liners

When I run rspec one_liner_spec.rb:3 --format doc

Then the examples should all pass

Then the output should contain “is expected to be > 8”

But the output should not contain “is expected to be < 10”.