Configuring pending failure output

Configure the format of pending examples output with an option (defaults to :full):

  RSpec.configure do |c|
    c.pending_failure_output = :no_backtrace

Allowed options are :full, :no_backtrace and :skip.


Given a file named “spec/example_spec.rb” with:

require "spec_helper"

RSpec.describe "something" do
  pending "will never happen again" do
    expect( eq(2021)

By default outputs backtrace and details

Given a file named “spec/spec_helper.rb” with:

When I run rspec spec

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite’s status)”

And the output should contain “1) something will never happen again”

And the output should contain “expected: 2021”

And the output should contain “./spec/example_spec.rb:5”.

Setting pending_failure_output to :no_backtrace hides the backtrace

Given a file named “spec/spec_helper.rb” with:

RSpec.configure { |c| c.pending_failure_output = :no_backtrace }

When I run rspec spec

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should contain “Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite’s status)”

And the output should contain “1) something will never happen again”

And the output should contain “expected: 2021”

And the output should not contain “./spec/example_spec.rb:5”.

Setting pending_failure_output to :skip hides the backtrace

Given a file named “spec/spec_helper.rb” with:

RSpec.configure { |c| c.pending_failure_output = :skip }

When I run rspec spec

Then the examples should all pass

And the output should not contain “Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite’s status)”

And the output should not contain “1) something will never happen again”

And the output should not contain “expected: 2021”

And the output should not contain “./spec/example_spec.rb:5”.