Conditional Filters

The :if and :unless metadata keys can be used to filter examples without needing to configure an exclusion filter.

Implicit :if filter

Given a file named “implicitiffilter_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe ":if => true group", :if => true do
  it(":if => true group :if => true example", :if => true) { }
  it(":if => true group :if => false example", :if => false) { }
  it(":if => true group no :if example") { }

RSpec.describe ":if => false group", :if => false do
  it(":if => false group :if => true example", :if => true) { }
  it(":if => false group :if => false example", :if => false) { }
  it(":if => false group no :if example") { }

RSpec.describe "no :if group" do
  it("no :if group :if => true example", :if => true) { }
  it("no :if group :if => false example", :if => false) { }
  it("no :if group no :if example") { }

When I run rspec implicit_if_filter_spec.rb --format doc

Then the output should contain all of these:

:if => true group :if => true example
:if => true group no :if example
:if => false group :if => true example
no :if group :if => true example
no :if group no :if example

And the output should not contain any of these:

:if => true group :if => false example
:if => false group :if => false example
:if => false group no :if example
no :if group :if => false example

Implicit :unless filter

Given a file named “implicitunlessfilter_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe ":unless => true group", :unless => true do
  it(":unless => true group :unless => true example", :unless => true) { }
  it(":unless => true group :unless => false example", :unless => false) { }
  it(":unless => true group no :unless example") { }

RSpec.describe ":unless => false group", :unless => false do
  it(":unless => false group :unless => true example", :unless => true) { }
  it(":unless => false group :unless => false example", :unless => false) { }
  it(":unless => false group no :unless example") { }

RSpec.describe "no :unless group" do
  it("no :unless group :unless => true example", :unless => true) { }
  it("no :unless group :unless => false example", :unless => false) { }
  it("no :unless group no :unless example") { }

When I run rspec implicit_unless_filter_spec.rb --format doc

Then the output should contain all of these:

:unless => true group :unless => false example
:unless => false group :unless => false example
:unless => false group no :unless example
no :unless group :unless => false example
no :unless group no :unless example

And the output should not contain any of these:

:unless => true group :unless => true example
:unless => true group no :unless example
:unless => false group :unless => true example
no :unless group :unless => true example

Combining implicit filter with explicit inclusion filter

Given a file named “explicitinclusionfilter_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.filter_run :focus => true

RSpec.describe "group with :focus", :focus => true do
  it("focused example") { }
  it("focused :if => true example", :if => true) { }
  it("focused :if => false example", :if => false) { }
  it("focused :unless => true example", :unless => true) { }
  it("focused :unless => false example", :unless => false) { }

RSpec.describe "group without :focus" do
  it("unfocused example") { }
  it("unfocused :if => true example", :if => true) { }
  it("unfocused :if => false example", :if => false) { }
  it("unfocused :unless => true example", :unless => true) { }
  it("unfocused :unless => false example", :unless => false) { }

When I run rspec explicit_inclusion_filter_spec.rb --format doc

Then the output should contain all of these:

focused example
focused :if => true example
focused :unless => false example

And the output should not contain any of these:

focused :if => false example
focused :unless => true example

Combining implicit filter with explicit exclusion filter

Given a file named “explicitexclusionfilter_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.filter_run_excluding :broken => true

RSpec.describe "unbroken group" do
  it("included example") { }
  it("included :if => true example", :if => true) { }
  it("included :if => false example", :if => false) { }
  it("included :unless => true example", :unless => true) { }
  it("included :unless => false example", :unless => false) { }

RSpec.describe "broken group", :broken => true do
  it("excluded example") { }
  it("excluded :if => true example", :if => true) { }
  it("excluded :if => false example", :if => false) { }
  it("excluded :unless => true example", :unless => true) { }
  it("excluded :unless => false example", :unless => false) { }

When I run rspec explicit_exclusion_filter_spec.rb --format doc

Then the output should contain all of these:

included example
included :if => true example
included :unless => false example

And the output should not contain any of these:

included :if => false example
included :unless => true example

The :if and :unless exclusions stay in effect when there are explicit inclusions

Given a file named “ifandunless_spec.rb” with:

RSpec.describe "Using inclusions" do
  context "inclusion target" do
    it "is filtered out by :if", :if => false do

    it 'is filtered out by :unless', :unless => true do

    it 'is still run according to :if', :if => true do

    it 'is still run according to :unless', :unless => false do

When I run rspec if_and_unless_spec.rb --format doc -e 'inclusion target'

Then the output should contain all of these:

is still run according to :if
is still run according to :unless

And the output should not contain any of these:

is filtered out by :if
is filtered out by :unless